Helping People See Clearly In Illinois

Not being able to see well can be very frustrating and has a direct impact on your quality of life. Seemingly simple things such as reading a menu, writing a check or watching a movie can be difficult for those with low vision. That’s where the team at Innovative Vision Products can help!

Whether you’ve always had a hard time seeing, or your vision weakened as you got older, it doesn’t have to stop you from living life to its fullest or having to depend on others. We are proud to play a role in helping those who struggle with low vision to become more independent and regain confidence. Please contact us today to learn how our team can help you.

Individualized Service

We are committed to delivering the best in quality customer service that is both friendly and knowledgeable. We’ll carefully evaluate your situation to make the best recommendations possible and customize the right solution to fit your specific needs. We will also make sure that you understand the equipment that you walk away with. With our team, you know that you have a support staff and a coach to help you until you feel comfortable.

Products That Shine

Not only do we have the best staff around, but we also carry the latest technology in low vision products. From handheld magnifiers to LCD screens, our line of Enhanced Vision products are sure to wow you.

You’ll probably have a handful of questions, but that’s where we’ll answer them. We can even let you test drive some of the products – that way you know which is the best for you!

Prices That Match

High quality doesn’t necessarily mean breaking the bank. That’s why here at Innovative Vision Products, you can rest easy knowing that you’re getting the BEST in valued equipment but at an affordable price.

Whatever your financial situation, come in and let us know how we can help! The value comes in knowing that you have a support team and low vision equipment to help you see clearer.

Why Choose Innovative Vision Products?

For 8 years, we’ve been helping people with low vision to improve their quality of life. So whether you’re a student at the University of Illinois and are having a hard time seeing lecture notes, or are a young mother trying to read a bedtime story to your child – seeing is part of life, but it doesn’t have to diminish any of it. Come visit us today!